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Doughnuts, an urban shed & other drugs

Yesterday proved that impulsively changing the route and your former plans can actually turn out to be what you really needed.

Originally, we were supposed to visit a Scandinavian market, because yes we moved to another country only to look for anything that even in the slightest way reminds us of our home country. Being quite a bad organizer and uncareful reader, I didn't see that the event wouldn't take place in only-half-an-hour-away Cambridge, but London.

Lucy was the person who managed to remind me of my inaccuracy, resulting in forcing us to facetime mostly about other things than what we were supposed to. We discussed whether we should change our plans or spend money on trying to fight our way through the masses of Londoners, breathing our air, making us feel like we're just about to pass out on the tube overflowing with the smell of stress, sweat and exhaustion.

As you could've guessed, we decided not to spend money on going through hell for a few hours just to eat the traditional 'sveler' and Christmas cookies. To be completely honest though, I experienced a slight feeling of envy, when I saw other Norwegian exchange students eat their sweet and hot waffles, but I knew I had to go to work in the evening, so leaving the party too early would've killed my inner Christmas enthusiast.

However, we decided to meet up in Cambridge, together with another city-phobe and mutual friend Tobias. Before he went to a cloth shop to try on a way too expensive leather jacket he decided not to buy but rather dream of, one of my long awaited dreams came true. Lucy and I shared three heaven- filled Krispy Kreme doughnuts, trying to find out if they're really worth the hype. To keep the answer short, let's just say I don't regret a single bite of sugar and fat my body had to fight against later.

The only way to get out of the carb-coma we we're in was to walk it off, which meant acting like we trusted Tobias on knowing where we were going, and most importantly finding a nice place to eat even more and just relax. Funnily enough, not having a thought-through plan or specific route whatsoever, was yet again one of the best choices we made that day.

Even though it felt like we were getting closer to the streets you shouldn't visit at night (or any time of the day), Tobias led us to a quite unique café we hadn't visited before. It's called 'The Urban Shed' and is basically a hipster version of Subway. They had vintage decoration everywhere, music coming out of some old record players and of course a bike hung up on the wall. Most importantly, the Urban Shed is a cozy, even though awkwardly narrow, sandwich shop/café, which didn't even disappoint Lucy, who rebelliously ordered a salad.

After chilling and talking there for a while, covering every topic from murderers to friends, we made our way back to the city centre. Whilst walking through the urban streets of Cambridge, I realized it was almost time for me to take the train home. Nevertheless, during a short amount of time we managed to shop in H&M and play on a piano in public, until I had to powerwalk to the train station like a middle-aged woman in one of those home fitness DVDs.

After my first attempts at waitressing and luckily enough not dropping anything else than my wet clothes when I finally made it home (it was basically woman against apocalypse, never had I ever hated cycling this much), I watched my story on Snapchat over and over again. Feeling unusually greatful for good food and good people, I cuddled myself up in my beloved bed - and oh boy, did I sleep well.

Hope you all had a great weekend, talk to you soon! X


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