Before I get to hear all your comments about me having been away for so long (only saying this in hopes that you actually missed my occasional blog posts), yes, I am still alive. Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to leave and suddenly copy Jesus' resurrection à la www. (as in world wide web) or anything else that'd be remotely similar to that. It's just that the last weeks of college before our summer break were unexpectedly demanding and challenging, because of reasons I'd rather not go into. This is supposed to be a happy and hopeful blog post, not some, although highly needed, rant. It was simply time to get some rest, to break my routine and do anything that doesn't involve checking e-mails, doing assignments, writing essays and worrying about what the hell I am going to do next year. An indifferent attitude towards my responsibilities was necessary to mark the beginning of my summer, or at least a couple of weeks of enjoying the privilege of having zero obligations. Soon I found out that this would only last for so long, and already after a week my fingertips started tickling impatiently, indicating that I was ready to get sh*t done again.
After I finished the last post about my exchange year with EF, I was unsure whether it would open a new chapter instead of closing the last one. The initial intention of writing this blog was to document a year of my life in England, almost like a travel diary. Little did I know that I was too lazy to walk around with a camera everywhere I went to do vlogs that would only make me cringe in the future. At some point, it slowly developed into a mixture of love letters to places I visited in England and raw thoughts that I tried to put down in words in order not to turn insane. Light hearted content evolved into posts that I actually put some effort into, consequently increasing the pressure I put on myself regarding the quality of the content I was creating. Suddenly it wasn't just a blog anymore, but rather a portfolio of work I was almost a little proud of publishing. At first this prevented me from writing, worrying that future posts would be disappointing and not as well-thought-out and well written. However, the aspiring journalist that I am, I asked myself "Why should I stop writing now when this is exactly what I want to do the most?" So after moments of deliberation whether I'd have the time and energy to continue writing a blog, I did what I always do when I'm hesitating. I kicked myself up the arse (purely metaphorically of course) and said f*ck it. Why the hell not.
Now that I have mentally given myself an additional workload that will potentially be neglected as soon as other work needs prioritizing, I want to apologize in advance for irregular blog posts, that might not actually be like the ones I have posted so far. I want to spend more time writing directly from the heart, as cringy as it sounds, share things that inspire me and talk more about music and philosophy and everything else that spices up my everyday life. There will be the occasional intellectual outburst of course, and descriptions of feeling like the apocalypse is near, but also celebrations about life and friends and everything else that makes life less boring. As mentioned before, I will hopefully talk more about pop culture and philosophy, and I've also written down a couple of topics I'd love to discuss through other mediums than written posts (don't forget to hit like and subscribe xoxoxo). Most importantly, this blog will almost be as open, light-hearted and honest like a diary, with the exception that this time my brother is actually allowed to break that shitty plastic lock with some scissors and read it all. Not that this ever stopped him before.
The new chapter of this blog will also be accompanied by an official Facebook page. It only seemed right to take things seriously when you're in a committed relationship like that. It also seems like it's extremely popular to showcase your relationship on social media, only to get that validation and confirmation on how great you two are so a couple of likes would be highly appreciated. Looking forward to seeing you share all my posts, grandpa. My Instagram will be used just the same way as always with the usual indifference to a matching feed, and a way to show off moments in life through some filters and VSCO editing.
Here's to a new chapter, let's see where it'll take us.