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Lazy Sunday Morning

The four numbers on my phone tell me that it's eight o'clock in the morning, right before I realize that this Sunday allows me to lay in bed as long as I want. However, because of the rebel that I am, I get up and enjoy the few hours of morning glory I have left.

My morning consists of coffee as black as the two cats I snuggle up with on the sofa, followed by a good book I haven't had time to finish yet. Time feels different on a Sunday morning, leaving me with the feeling that I still have several lives ahead of me. Nevertheless, the Pre-Monday-Blues is slowly creeping up on me, reminding me of cherishing my few hours of freedom.

It can be nice to not have any plans, any expectations for the day, and just letting time fly in its own pace. The calm before the Monday storm is one of the most relaxing parts of the week to me, where I try to recharge as much as possible, before going back to college and work.

I hope you find my new video as relaxing as my lazy Sunday mornings, talk to you all soon. x


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