I thought I’d do something incredibly original and unexpected for once.
Something that has been on my mind for several months and what I figured I could share with you.
Today, I decided to share with you my bucket list (yes, I too, get tempted to follow such mainstream trends, but I’m not a hipster, let’s be real here ok).
Going on exchange brings with it a list of activities to attend and something I would almost call “duties”; such as telling people about your experiences whether through a blog, YouTube, Facebook or something as personal as skyping with your friends and family, and the feeling of trying to make the best out of your year. None of us wants to look back and feel like we have missed out or even wasted our time.
Since our common aspiration is to experience as much as possible (aka as much as my bank account allows me to), writing a bucket list is an often used way to remind yourself of all the things you would like to look back on, when you come home. Making memories is as big a part of our exchange year as improving our English skills; at least it is for me.
My bucket list is actually divided into two sections. One section is more about my personal goals this year (well, not all of them. Let’s not get too personal), such as improving my writing and stepping out of my comfort zone etc., while the other part is about visiting new places and doing activities while I’m in the UK. The first part currently looks a lot like this:
Write more frequently (check)
Film more videos (check, still in progress though)
Start taking online courses in English about several topics (such as Buddhism, psychology, philosophy etc.), whenever you have free time
Wake up earlier and be productive by starting your day with a short writing session (even if it’s only 10 minutes)
Find a job
Follow your monthly budget
The other part of my bucket list has the following points on it:
Visit Liverpool and the Beatles museum
Go on photography trips
Check out all of the cafés in Cambridgeshire and cities you’ll visit
Drink (or as some British people would say: “take”) tea in London
Visit the local museum
Visit Cambridge (check, although my first time was definitely not my last)
Have a picnic at an open air concert
Visit the university in Cambridge
Watch a Shakespeare play
Go on a concert
Visit Borough food market
Try fish and chips (check, and it was delicious)
Visit Camden
Go to vintage shops (this will probably always stay on my bucket list)
Visit the modern art museum in London
The fun thing about bucket lists is that they are constantly changing. The first part contains goals I have set myself, because I’d like to challenge myself as much as possible, while the other part is more about ideas and things to do while I’m living abroad. If you have any suggestions or even things you’ve tried yourself that I should check out, I’d love to hear some from you!
Talk you all soon (hopefully after I have checked a goal off my list)

(Just a photo I took when we visited Cambridge)