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Stabbing knives deeply into your nostalgia hole - and letting go

What once was a dream is now slowly getting closer to becoming reality.

I'm only six days away from taking the plane to my new family, friends, home and (hopefully) lots of stereotypical tea parties.

I've spent the last several days preparing myself mentally by saying goodbye to physicial and non-physical friends, doing things for the last time and enjoying and appreciating every last moment.

It's not like I'm going off to war, even though it might feel like it for specific family members (hi mom), so I figured it wouldn't be too much of an emotional burden to take with me old polaroids and pictures, that would remind me of everything I'm about to leave behind.

It took me about half an hour to take down the pictures I'd take with me, because I was seriously sitting on my bed and slowly drowning in nostalgia by thinking about every unique memory the polaroid had captured.

However, the weird part was deciding not to take with me every single one of them. Why? You know how you sometimes hold on to old objects like books and gifts and cards, even though they're so old, the people included aren't even a part of your life anymore? It can be scary to let go of these things. Especially if it's about old friends and relationships, like I'm not quite ready to accept that life actually went on and the paths we once shared are divided now. You might find yourself wondering why these people or life conditions didn't stay or last, what you might have done wrong, why and how it all changed- oh hello existential life crisis.

I thought about this for quite a while, and- oh what the hell. Isn't this was life is about? To constantly make new memories? What's the point of dwelling on the past? I mean, after all, these memories and people are the reasons for where I am today, so I might as well accept the past and focus on what's ahead of me, while appreciating what I have right now.

Finally, I can say that I'm really looking forward to making space for some new polaroids- while tossing the old ones away and hiding them in my nostalgia hole forever.


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